Used for testing electrical circuits. Retractable test leads pull out and stay at desired length. Rewind test leads into its own protective case when not in use. Insulated alligator clips. 18 gauge...
This one is the result of interaction with the techs and mechanics at shows and over the phone. Guys have been wiring up fuse holders in their test leads forever. Why? It saves your Multimeter fuse...
Use with 56810 or 60610 to Easily and Securely Connect Relay Test Jumper to a Multimeter Can also use banana plug to pin probe adapter with pin probes Kit contains two terminal to banana tip wires,...
Used for testing electrical circuits Retractable test leads pull out and stay at desired length Rewind test leads into protective case when not in use Contains insulated alligator clips 18 gauge...
180 LOADpro Test Leads load the circuit to see if current can flow. LOADpro finds these problems quicker: High Corrosive Resistance Shorts to Ground Open Circuits By loading the circuit,...