Automotive A/C Repairs: Essential Tips for Techs to Avoid Costly Consequences, Including Refrigerant Oil Handling
Why NOT fixing a small automotive A/C leak may cost more in the long run. Here's an example of how a small problem related to AC can result in higher cost repair down the road:When refrigerant leaks out of an AC system, it often takes some of the lubricating oil with it, which can also lead to more serious problems later.The lubricating oil in an AC system is essential for keeping the compressor and other components properly lubricated and functioning smoothly. When refrigerant leaks out
13th May 2023
How to Find Refrigerant Leaks in Automotive AC Systems: Tips for Techs
Wise Auto Tools - In my experience as a Master Tech working in Florida, I've noticed that car owners prioritize repairing their A/C systems. After all, staying cool is essential, especially in hot climates like ours. While selling maintenance items like radiator coolant flushes or transmission flushes might not pique their interest, talking to them about a service or repair that directly affects their family's personal comfort is sure to grab their attention. In fact, when it comes to A/C, th
6th May 2023