10 Differences between Time Sert and Heli Coil Thread Repairs
DennisB © Summary: We are commonly asked about the differences in Time Sert and Heli Coil brand thread repair kits. In this article we cover ten main differences between these two brands. First, I will say that they have some things in common. Both brands have a large selection of sizes available. Both can be used to fix threads that have been damaged from cross-threading, over-tightening or vibration due to being too loose. Both brands have been around for a long time
17th Oct 2021
Nissan and Subaru Head Bolt Thread Repair Kit – Solved © Summary: Head bolt thread repair kits for repairing head-bolt threads in the cylinder block if done properly can save thousands of dollars compared to replacing engine blocks. Advantages of using Time Sert solid bushing type inserts over a thin coils of wire like Heli Coil uses. Helicoil is the better known brand however, clearly is not the better thread repair system. Both brands have kits for M11x1.25 head bolts which are commonly found in Nissan and Infiniti engine
8th Sep 2018
Ford E350 Spark Plug Blowout – Which Kit is Best?
DennisB © Summary: Recent question from our customer regarding the correct spark plug thread repair kit for his Ford E350 van. Vans are harder to access when working on the spark plug threads or just about anything else in the engine compartment for that matter. However our kits can be used without removing the heads. Just as changing the sparkplugs can be done after working to gain access by removing air duct work and the engine cover etc. I know that makes it sound simple but
3rd Nov 2016